Topographical surveys are more commonly known as land surveys. These surveys provide clients with a detailed and accurate drawing of their site layout. The drawings clearly show all buildings, boundaries, walls, fences, surfaces, drainage and utility cover locations, tree locations, road and street furniture and much more.
All this information is captured on site using the latest survey equipment. The data is then processed and presented in clear annotated drawings which include the levels for the lay of the land.
A Topographical survey is also required for Utility or CCTV surveys so all the findings can be annotated onto one drawing.
These surveys can be as small or large as you require, depending on your own individual requirements and project.
Boundary surveys can be used to help settle boundary disputes or to position undefined boundaries. They can also be used to edit your HM Land Registry plan such as adjusting boundaries, dividing your land into different parcels for sale or simply updating plans following additional land acquisition.
A Cross Section survey is effectively a cut through the land. The drawings show ground levels, walls, fences and outlines of buildings from a profile view, perpendicular to the alignment. These are usually at 10 metre intervals and are used predominantly for rivers or roads.
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Topographical Surveys - Measured Building Surveys